Friday, January 5, 2024

Hauntologist - Hollow

Similar Bands: Mgla, Furia, Kriegsmaschine, The Ruins of Beverast, Odraza

Svdestada - Candela

Similar Bands: Saidan, Ludicra, Svalbard, Young and in the Way, Cara Neir

Gospod - Bible Prophecies [EP]

Similar Bands: Batushka, Hesychast, Tableau Mort, Vladyka

Krvna - The Rhythmus of Death Eternal [EP]

Similar Bands: Behemoth, Liturgy

At the Plates - Omnivore

Similar Bands: At the Gates, Eucharist, Master's Call, Majesties, Vital Remains

Ashes of Abaddon - The Hellbringers

Nimetön Hauta - Pimeyteen laskee joki

Gozd - Unilateralis [EP]

Amber of Eridan - Between the Hearts of Iron

Almucantarat - Weightlessness

Similar Bands: Skyforest, Elderwind

Tyrants - Warlord

Chimeras - Silent Cries in the Stifling Haze

Similar Bands: Lethian Dreams, Draconian, Trees of Eternity

Hesychia - Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans

Structure Violence - Chaos, Pain and Disorder [EP]

Gray State - Under the Wheels of Progress

Similar Bands: Arkangel, All Out War, Reprisal, Cageless, Destroy Babylon

Panzerchrist - All Witches Shall Burn [EP]

Similar Bands: Behemoh, Illdisposed, Belphegor, God Dethroned, Vader

Frostbitten Thorns - Frostbitten Thorns